Sunday, August 7, 2011

bad mood♥

tonight please allow me to say something because i feel i am very "cham" =(
how should i do ?
everyday feel very stressful !
assignments and tutorial and presentation
a lot of coursework
oh my god ... ==
who can help me ?
i think i cannot breathe anymore
actually am i really like to study ?
i think most of you sure dislike right ? i also , but what can we do ?
for our future , we must study !
if we already choose this way , must never give up ! must go on ! don't ever look back ! 
do not give up easily ! 
if not , not only the other people will despise you , but you will despise yourself !

and another bad thing is my pimples 
shit la 
why always come out on my face ?
i hate you , do you know ?
get out from my life ! 
i don't want to see you anymore !!!!@@
阴魂不散 ~~
just now i going to google searching
they said the most important way to remove the pimples is you may always keep happy mood
haha i think i cannot do it 
because start with next week , i will be quite busy
got many thing need to complete
sure will be more stressful than now
then how can i keep happy leh ?
haiz~~~how ? how ? how ? @@

and the last thing is my holidays =(
still need to wait at least after 14 weeks just can enjoy my holidays  
really miserable ~~ ><

hahahaha after wrote this post, my mood changed for the better some
well , i sincerely to wish you all
i hope you all will be able to colorful life , do not worry so much like me ~ haha . ok ? ^^​​
a " goodnight " will end of this night..
goodnight ~~ wish you a good sleep...


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