Sunday, July 31, 2011

new hair style♥

seriously haha
look at my hair
sure u will ask what's wrong with me right?
haha nothing special la
just because before i dye my hair by myself "dark brown colour"
but unlucky my hair come out green colour ! shit ! look like grass ~ ==
so that i went to saloon to dye back my hair loh then become black colour ~
how u all feel?nice?or weird?hope u all like my new hair style hihi♥

look at this 
my hair is green colour right?
like a ghost loh~~
i cannot accept this colour!!!@@

oh ya tomorrow my semester 2 start already
haha feel very excited
because can meet my friends and knowing more new friends 
haha actually i can be their senior already ^^ thats great 

hihi how you all feel today?
hope you all be happy forever and forever la ^^
goodnight and wish you all have a sweet dream


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hongkong macau trip :)

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