Friday, August 26, 2011

me? ♥

hey , 1 months is already gone
my mid-term exam is coming soon
how can the time flies so fast
just like nothing happen at all ==

my hair become brown colour again ><
how come arh? just dye back black colour not more than 1 month
now turn to brown again ~ shit

oh ya i got something to say
this month is my 2 semester for my course , right?
haha my 1 semester friends all already missing
no la is because all not the same course , so that , this semester we can't study together
but lucky 
hihi i meet my 1 semester friends at this semester haha they are yomii and xin yi
haha not only them
got many also
like li juin , shu tyng , xue feng , hui yuan , kevin , hai ling , sheyyien , rain and many haha
they are quite nice but we are still got some "strange" feeling haha
but i believe that we will be very close and crazy later 

my pretty friend
another friend ~~xin yi~~^^

i already joined the dance club at my college 
named 舞法舞天 very cool right? XD
yes! its very fun!i like dance! i like it so much
other than that , i got join the english society also 
i want to improve my english language
my english language damn poor
like broken english haha all mixed in chinese language haha
shame on myself !really !
hope i can do that 
oh no 
no hope !
it's sure can XP

hey , now i m looking for a part time job
i m really lack of money
how can earn more money =(

well ,next week will be my holiday
but i do not feel very happy 
don't know why haha
maybe is because my study
can't to enjoy my holidays =(
need to keep do revision 
sad case
but if you know me, sure know i won't keep study at home 1 weeks right?XP
i just want go to watch movie only
[Final Destination 5]~i must to wacth this !!!
[The Reef] [Rise of the planet of the Apes] [Overhead 2] [Love is the only answer] [Treasure Hunt] and many many
but i think i have no much time to watch all this
haha nevermind ~~ just ask daddy buy disc for me XP
how about you all?
have go somewhere to have fun?^^ enjoy your holidays ya

十二星座中谁最喜欢伪装快乐  冠军是水瓶座
is it true?
i just know that i won't tell anyone when i feel unhappy
because no one will understand my feeling
somebody know about me? actually what kind of person for me?
i just want somebody to really understand me
its that really hard?? ~~~~~ quiet-ing ~~~~~haha

actually this post is quite bored 
haha because i just want to write something
sorry for my post is hard to read [broken english]
i am still improving haha sorry ya XPP

erm ok
good night to all of you
wish you all will be happy and happy all the time
enjoy your life
don't just keep on do your work or study
later you will getting crazy , ok? ^^

thanks for take a look from here..XD

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hongkong macau trip :)

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